A82: No Shell ASM???


A82: No Shell ASM???

Guys, today i picked up my calc for the first time since school was out, and 
i started to play around with BASIC functions.  I tried to run the ASM games 
from the BASIC PRGM prompt.  Suprisingly i was extremely sucessfull.  I got 
diamonds to run by recompiling it using some basic comands similar to those 
used by ASH and CrASH.  This shows that a shell isn't needed to run ASM 
games on the 82.  I just thought that i would address this.  BTW.  Diamonds 
was VERY buggy.  In no way is this perfected to a science, so i will check 
out as much as i can about this before i leave for South Africa on Monday.

Name: Will Dempster
Omegasoft Assembly Productions
Date: 7/2/98
Time: 10:49:17 PM

Contact: GoldenEagle_13@hotmail.com
For more info on Omegasoft!