A82: Help about a random routine


A82: Help about a random routine

Poker82 is nearly to be complete. one thing I'd like to improve is the
random routine. A friend of mine, when he plays Poker during 15 min can
remember what result he'll have keeping this or that card. I don't
understand. I've done a routine that don't take the n-th card a second
time without having takenall other 51. My english is far from being
perfect but I think you've understood what I meant. All the more the
first value of randvar is initialized with the r register, which is
pseudo-random. But it happens that, when we have the x card, then the
sequence that follows is ALWAYS the same. So, when my friend had 5 cards
(whatever they were), he knew when he was keeping which one(s), he'd
have a straight, a full or anything else.
The problem comes that the random routine generates a 7 bits number
(0-127), and that routine is enough for games who need a choice between
3 or 4 propositions. But with a game that requires 52 possibilities, I
think it's not enough randomized.
How could I solve my problem ??

~ Nicolas.
