Re: A82: Re: CrASH defaults


Re: A82: Re: CrASH defaults

A few comments....

In a message dated 98-02-28 04:26:10 EST, you write:

> >Hey, CrASH guys, what does the CrASH shell reset/clear/set when it is 
>  >run? You know like the busy indicator, graph mem, string styles etc...
>  >What does it already do, or not do when executed?
>  >Thanks, Ilya.
>  What it does when you enter CrASH
>  ---------------------------------
>  Sets calculator status ($8121) to CrASH ($FF)
>  SET 0, (IY+$03) - Redraw Graph after exiting to TIOS
>  RES 2, (IY+$0C) - Turn off cursor (just in case, for CrCrASH)
>  RES 0, (IY+$12) - Clear busy indicator
>  Sets (INT_STATE) to none ($00) - If an interrupt is running, the
>  interrupt will set it again if needed.
>  What it does when starting a program
>  ------------------------------------
>  Enables Interrupts
>  Clears A, B, C, D, E, H, L, and IX
>  Clears TEXT_MEM and GRAPH_MEM
>  Set Normal Interrupt Mode [OUT ($04), $16]
>  Set Standard Graphics Controller Mode [OUT ($10), $01]

I've never heard of this before.  Could you explain what it does?

>  Set Auto Graphics Cursor Down [OUT ($10), $05]
>  Set Text Mode cursor to top-left (0,0)
>  Set Mini Font cursor to top-left (0,0)
>  RES 3, (IY+$05) - Black Text on White Background
>  SET 1, (IY+$0D) - Alter Text Memory (with Text)

Shouldn't you set it not to alter text mem?  Then your variables will be

>  RES 7, (IY+$14) - Write to LCD (not GRAPH_MEM) with mini font
>  What it does not do when starting a program
>  -------------------------------------------
>  Clear the LCD
>  (If you want to do this, just do a CALL CR_GRBCopy because the
>  GRAPH_MEM is already cleared)

Or, of course, ROM_CALL(CLEARLCD), but I suppose the graph mem copier is
faster :-)

>  I hope that this information helps you guys :)
>      [CrASH_Man]
>      [CrASH Landing!]
>  PS. Please visit my page -- I try to update it every night!

Yeah, I noticed that :-).  You're page is pretty kewl!!!
