Re: Re: A82: Galaxian 2.1 response


Re: Re: A82: Galaxian 2.1 response

>>      I'm not sure why SOMETIMES multiple keypresses are required. For 
>>some reason
>>the highscore and title text routines from Orzunoid just don't 
>>function as well.
>>I'll try to fix it in the next version, though. It isn't really that 
>>important. Oh
>>no! I have to press Enter two or three times once in a while.
>    Umm, that's really annoying...sloppy coding. You shouldnt discredit 
>it just because Hruska said it.
     Yes I know its annoying and my fault, my point is that it is not the end of
the world and isn't gameplay hindering. It will be fixed in the next version. I don't
discredit what anybody has to say(except for that TI-Philes review). I have nothing
against Hruska at all. I can't wait for Sqrxz 82 to be released. However, I do think
his idea for auto-fire and eliminating decreasing scores are stupid. I've decided
however that if he emails me his auto-fire enhanced source then I will impliment
it in the next version.
>>      I don't really see the need for it except for the fact that 
>>sometimes if you
>>are really button-pressing happy then your name on the highscore 
>>screen is screwed
>        Well, when something like that is so damn easy to fix, why the 
>hell not?
      Personally, I find a gameover screen very annoying. The game Zpong comes to
>>      The controls are what they are because that is how they are on 
>>the 85. I never
>>have felt the need to change them. Since several people have commented 
>>that they
>>are awkward then I'll change them to 2nd and Alpha.
>    I agree that the Y= is awkward...2nd and Alpha would be much 
      It's done.
>>     I think thats all of the complaints. I'll try to address them in 
>>the next version.
>>Oh, and to Thomas Hruska, a highscore of 49,007 is pretty pathetic 
>>considering that
>>you think you did the best that is possible. Just remember highscore 
>>getting is supposed
>>to be about skill. That is the same reason why I took out the extra 
>>life and points
>>after a level up in Orzunoid. Finally,  maybe someone on the list 
>>could explain that
>>rather strange review on TI-Philes about Orzunoid 4.0. The guy seemed 
>>way to preoccupied
>>with what he could do if he was a programmer and he described things 
>>that aren't
>>even in Orzunoid. Either TI-Philes messed up or that guy is on drugs.
>    No, whoever reviewed it probably just thought the game could be 
>improved. Like me. 
   Um, I have you even read the review? Its ludicrous. I think the TI-Philes must
have included the wrong text to the review. Heres some examples:
      1)"Well, fisrt of all, this game isn't very much       like Doom OR Tetris"
(Let's see it is an arkonoid        clone) 

      2)"your little oval just slides around" (What         oval?)

      3)"the blocks you break dont even display the          words "Hey you! Watch
it there!" when you hit       them!"(What?)

      4)"If I knew how to program, i could've probably         saved about 4000 bytes
that he just wasted in         making the game!"(Lets see that would make the   
     game take up negative 600 bytes)

      5)And the intro is pathetic.(There is no intro)
     The whole review is ridiculous!

>Galaxian is great, but dont get so defensive when 
>ppl offer a few suggestions which will easily make the >game better!
>                                                    ~Kurai
    I welcome suggestions and I know Galaxian has its problems. All that I can promise
is that I'll try to fix them.
     Evil Sam

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