Re: A82: My first question of many to come


Re: A82: My first question of many to come

At 15:30 1998-02-02 -0600, you wrote:
>            ack! I'm having my first problem with Dune 2, and i'm sure 
>this is all due to my programming incompetence. Ok..
>    I want an animation to be running in the top right corner of the 
>screen..(depicting what is being built, etc..)..while the calc checks 
>for keys. However, I'm having problems doing both. If I try it without 
>delaying the animation, what I get is a blurred sprite. If I add a 
>delay to the animation, in order to make you "see" the animation and 
>slow it down, it also slows the checking of keys, making it choppy and 
>bad. Basically, I'm wondering how the programmer of little dude did 
>it...with the constant animation of the squares, but also good key 
>response. Ack! I think I'm really dumb for not knowing how to do this, 
>so I apologize for my ignorance...any suggestions?
>                                                    ~Kurai

Why not make a loop (maybe reading the key directly from the i/o port) which updates the animation, say, every 100 times? Replace 100 with whatever makes good animation speed.

                     -/- David Eriksson -/-

2 G o o D   P r o d u c t i o n s  ->

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