Re: A82: Will they do it again? Find out!


Re: A82: Will they do it again? Find out!

Why do you need each point to be 32 bits? I'm just curious.

On Fri, 28 Aug 1998 14:04:41 EDT writes:
>For anyone who can write a decent routine:
>I'm going to be sneaky and propose a contest similar to what others 
>have done.
>The contest will be to make a routine that computes the angle of a 
>line, given
>its 4 16-bit coordinates (each point is 32 bits).  Input should be 
>(hl,ix) and
>(de,bc) or similar, whatever is most convenient.  The routine can be 
>as big as
>it wants to be, but it must be fast.  It may use tables if necessary.  
>over space.
>The contest will be closed Sunday (but Monday will be fine)
>Thank you, and good luck :-)

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