A82: Ash 3.1


A82: Ash 3.1

I have been workingon Ash 3.1 again and added some of the things which you

Ash 3.1 now includes a routine to display a number in the small font, zero
padded, and the number of digits given in B.

The credits has been removed when using the EXIT_2_TIOS function.

The support for the prgm command has also been removed (it made Ash almost
100 bytes shorter).

I know have a few questions. In Ash I use some functions which makes Ash a
bit smaller, these could be added to the list of functions in Ash. Adding
a function takes up 3 bytes. Please tell me which of the following
functions you think I should add.


Display the string pointed to by HL at the coords in BC using the small
font. These saves 5 bytes each time a string has to be printed.


Pushs all regs


Pops all regs

Do you think other funcions should be included ?



Dines Justesen
Email: c958362@student.dtu.dk
WWW  : http://www.student.dtu.dk/~c958362/
