Re: A82: Projects


Re: A82: Projects

I would not use the vertigo source, since I am not sure it is Ash 3.1
compatible (At least the Ash 3.0 version I saw wont work under Ash 3.1,
but the CrASH version probably will).

-----Original Message-----
From: Kouri Rosenberg <>
To: <>
Date: 10. august 1998 09:15
Subject: Re: A82: Projects

>Or ask Matthew Shepcar, aka Scabby. Grab the Vertigo source and ask him
>all the questions you need.
>On Sun, 09 Aug 1998 18:33:10 PDT "Evil Sam" <>
>>>Finish PJ.
>>   I'm working on it, but PJ is extremely hard to get motivated to 
>>on. I haven't gotten the VAT routines working yet, and I'll probably 
>>up needing Florent or Dine's help with them. Without the VAT routines 
>>working on PJ is pointless because you can't test anything.
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