Re: A82: Galaxian bug... solved?


Re: A82: Galaxian bug... solved?

>I wasn't saying I knew how, just that you didn't (nobody for that 
>But, it could be that the problem does not occur in Ash, in which case 
none of
>this matters.

   ROM_CALL(DISP_GRAPH) does work in the program but the game does move 
signifigantly slower. I also need to rewrite the addresses because the 
display routine Patrick D uses shifts everything down the screen. So all 
the of the addresses compensate for it. So now the enemies appear in the 
middle of the screen and the ship is off the screen. That shouldn't be 
too hard to fix though. The game runs fine with the exeption of the 
slowdown with one exception. When the ship gets hit by enemy fire the 
game crashes. I'm still waiting to hear from Patrick Davidson, but I 
think I can effectively write around the display routine if I could just 
get an hour of free time.

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