Re: A82: TI doesn't suck all batteries


Re: A82: TI doesn't suck all batteries

{{Yeah, I've noticed that also. 1 is always dead and the others aren't. 
Weird, but that is the way TI wants it I guess. Maybe if you "rotate" or 
battery order they may last longer?

if you know anything about how batteries work, you'll know that it has 
nothing to do with trying to sell more batteries.

imagine the following senario:  you have a box with two holes in it, on 
one hole you place a baloon full of water.  fill it until it covers the 
other hole.  this exact configuration is something similar to how a 
battery works, the pressure of the water is the voltage of the battery, 
one hole is the negative end and the other is the positive end.  now 
place 4 of these in series where the baloons are all facing in one 
direction.  as one baloons' pressure exerts on the back end of another, 
the pressure increases, just like the batteries voltage increases.  the 
batteries don't actually waste all of there "water" or energy per se, 
the baloon all the way at the end is the only one actually putting forth 
all it's voltage, when it's dead then the series is "dead."  but in 
actuality the other 3 baloons still have a "charge."

now we could get into something a little deeper, but i don't think 
that's needed for answering the way a battery works in your ti.

any questions/comments, please feel free to ask/say.

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