A82: Maybe Oshell was perfect *AND* Here is the plan!


A82: Maybe Oshell was perfect *AND* Here is the plan!

First of all I would like to congratulate all the 82 shell 
developers. You have done a wonderful job. Assembly on the 82 is looking 
good thanks to the few (but good) game developers. But there is one 
major thing that must be recognized and fixed - the constant crahing of 
your calculator when doing math or any other stuff. This is a big 
problem, bigger than you may think. If I give someone the asm games from 
my calc, there calc has always crashed within a week, no kidding. I and 
other people have lost valuable information and programs when this 
happens. When it is test day for precalc I nor anyone else would risk 
having Ash or OS-82 on our calcs. Just today my calc crashed 2 times 
doing simple math and graphing. It is just such a hassle to have to 
backup your calc everyday to your computer and give everybody backups 
constantly, and loose all my wonderful math programs during class. So I 
have some solutions to consider for the upcoming Ash+OS-82 Shell which 
Jason Todd and Dines J. are working on, I hope you two are reading this!

Presenting.........."HERE IS THE PLAN!"   by-Ilya Winham, Junior
  Now there are a bunch of choices to choose from when making the new 
asm shell. Should it contain this, or maybe that, but ultimatly a vote 
needs to be taken. So here are some ideas to eliminate (possibly!) those 
god damn awfull crashes that have destroyed me and others during school. 
Again, these are in no particular order so lets begin....
  1.) This is probably the best one to think about, and easiest. When 
Oshell was first released it use 'Q' as its asm accessing variable. The 
problem with this was that some basic programs use Q and then boom, 
crashes your calc. Besides that I don't recall there being any other 
random crashes caused by general use. So why doesn't the new shell 
use:(list follows of possible variables, variables must be 'real' or 
crashes will occur as with Ash3.0 using 'dummy' variables)
  -r6, r5, r4 etc..
  -GDB6, GDB5 etc..
  -Pic (7-16) (you remember the program that allows 16 pics! use one of 
  -Paratmetric functions X1t,Y1t etc...
These variables are very, very rarely used and would work great!!
  2.)If you must use a 'dummy variable' then make sure it is somewhere 
in memory that isn't 'used' much. This is my theory on the crashes now. 
When doing anything on your calc things are moving around in memory 
constantly.  It is only a matter of time before something will move to 
or be affected by the dummy variable and crash your calc.  So a variable 
would have to be used that isn't in a 'hot spot' for memory movement, (I 
don't know if I am making sense because I don't no a lot of technical 
stuff about the 82) Maybe try 'Time' or 'Web' Normally these can only be 
accessed when in a certain graphing mode. Or if you could create a 
totally new variable? or use like I said above pictures (7-16 not all 
but one) as a dummy variable.
  3.)Here is another theory of mine. The shell is changing something 
when it is executed and not returning that thing back to where it was 
before.  So when the calc looks for that when doing normal operations, 
boom, your calc has just crashed.
Conclusion:I hope one of these suggestions works. And I would like to 
know Jason Todd's, Dines J., AVD, and, Hruska's opinion about finally 
fixing this huge bug problem (yes it is huge, and excuse any 
Ilya -- mailto:ilyamojo@geocities.com