Re: A82: Avalanche 1.0 for Ash 3.0 bug or secret


Re: A82: Avalanche 1.0 for Ash 3.0 bug or secret

How did you implement it ? Do you move the bytes or do you use hardware
scrolling ?



Dines Justesen
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On Mon, 24 Nov 1997, Thomas J. Hruska wrote:

> At 06:25 PM 11/24/97 -0600, you wrote:
> <snip>
> >around thanksgiving so I might not get the chance to work on it. But I 
> >have a question to ask you asm programmers: I want the screen to "shake" 
> >when you play but haven't figured out how. Could somebody please tell me 
> >how this could be accomplished? I remember DINES talking about screen 
> >scrooling and KURAI's dying eyes battle demo shakes when you get hit, so 
> >if any of you two could help me out I would appreciate it.
> >~Ilya
> How about my scrolling routines in my Development Kit?  All you really need
> to do is call the scrolling routines a few times (maybe at random) and then
> display the screen, then restore it and do it again.  Should produce the
> shaking effect nicely.
>                  Thomas J. Hruska --
> Shining Light Productions -- "Meeting the needs of fellow programmers"
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