Re: A82: Re:


Re: A82: Re:

I always thought ASH stood for "Assembly SHell."  Correct me if I'm wrong..
				Rob (unguent)

At 11:42 PM 11/17/97 -0500, you wrote:
>At 06:55 PM 11/17/97 -0600, you wrote:
>>Ok I need help with a few things....
>>1)    To do a jump I use
>>or a
>>jr nc,Label
>>Is there an easier way to do this? (I'm sure there is)
>How about just using:  jr Label
>>2) I have a number stored in b.  How do I display this number to the home
>  ld h,0
>  ld l,b
>  ld de,0
>  ld (CURSOR_POS),de
>BTW, there is no "home screen" on the 82.  In fact, you can mix small text
>and normal text on the same screen.  There are NO limitations on the 82 in
>>3) What does ASH stand for?
>Have no idea.  Always wondered the same thing.  Maybe Dines survived a
>volcanic eruption :)
>>4) Is there a program out there for ash that will invert a picture (black to
>>white;white to black).  It should be easy to do with the xor command right?
>Yeah, I think so.  It's called FX Screen Reverser.  Try Dines Justesen's
>web site.
>Yer welcome.
>                 Thomas J. Hruska --
>Shining Light Productions -- "Meeting the needs of fellow programmers"
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