Re: A82: Re: Assembly-82 Digest V1 #245


Re: A82: Re: Assembly-82 Digest V1 #245

The Ash School includes some information on compiling, have a look at

If you still have problems mail me



Dines Justesen
Email: or
WWW  :

On Wed, 5 Nov 1997 wrote:

> I've been programming for years on my PC and know a lot of languages.  The
> first one I learned was BASIC and thus easily adapted myself to TI-BASIC.  I
> recently downloaded both OS-82 and Ash.  I like Ash better because OS82
> screwed up my lists.  I know this is a general question, but where can I find
> information on how to create assembly programs for Ash?  Or is it just that I
> need a compiler to convert from TI-BASIC to Ash?  Please clear this up for
> me.
> My main objective is to be able to create assembly programs that run under
> Ash.
