Re: A82: Compiling questions


Re: A82: Compiling questions

When you have written you program, you first use TASM (Table ASMebller) to
compile your program, and then you use prgm82 to make a file which the
link program can read. The batch file included in Ash 3.0 will do all this
if you have both TASM and prgm82 in the same dir. You can get TASM at


BTW Have your heard of the Ash School ? you can find it at


Dines Justesen
Email: or
WWW  :

On Wed, 5 Nov 1997, Leighton Shank wrote:

> ok..i'm still new at assembly programming, and learning everyday, so
> forgive me if i sound retarded.  i just can't compete with all the
> assembly gods out there.  any way, here's my question.  I have a text
> file created that contains the assembly program.  is that what I run
> prgm82 on to convert it to an *.82p file, or do i have to first compile
> the text file, and then run THAT on prgm82?  and if so, what do I use to
> compile the origional text file?  just wondering.
> --leighton
> ----------------------------
> Leighton Shank
> James Madison University
> Harrisonburg, VA   USA
> ----------------------------
