Re: A82: Progress/Wish List


Re: A82: Progress/Wish List

Andrew Von Dollen wrote:
> I am looking for ideas as to what to program for the 82 and I don't want to
> repeat anything that is already being done.  So I am willing, if you send
> me your ideas and/or current projects, to make a page which would contain
> programs being done and programs that people would like to see.
>         -Andrew

--A fast and cool slam duck contest game like J.R Slam (now in basic) 
programmed in ASM would be awesome.

--A Mortal Kombat type game in ASM. (basic one's really suck!!)

--Anything like Mario or a game of that nature. Mario Kart??

--Crusin USA type racing game, must be fast and include other racers

--A really good screen scrolling shoot'em up game with diffrent 
weapons and enemies.

--Drugwar but 1000x better (people really like that game at school)

--A virtual world game based on going to school,college, the show 
seinfeld,virtual cat, beavis & butthead etc... (like having to battle 
your way around and getting to the right class, starting a riot, 
having fun,  you could make it interesting)


--Journey to the center of the earth

--A wacky sex-romp, porno based game ?!??@#&*!??

--I know nobody is crazy for doom games, but.......

--Mission Impossible

--A game based on the Odyssey

--Area 51, something where aliens are involved.

I know some of these ideas are far fetched but they are just ideas.  
These are to get others thinking of a cool game to make.  Don't tell 
me how stupid they are.  If you think there stupid then post your 
