A82: Displaying # value in 'a' = use ROM_CALL(M_CHARPUT)??


A82: Displaying # value in 'a' = use ROM_CALL(M_CHARPUT)??

Somebody, please tell me if this works the way I want it to:

ld a,3            ;load 3 into a
ld (level),a      ;set it to level 3 for this example
ld hl,25*256+30  ;just some random coordinates
ld (CURSOR_X),hl ;set the postition to display the #
ld a,(level)  ;load the # of the level into the a register
ROM_CALL(M_CHARPUT)  ;display the value in a (menu style), at current 

Will this display a '3' at the defined position or the character whose 
number is 3. What I need to know is what is the fastest way to display 
the value in the 'a' register in menu style! If this doesn't work I know 
a way around it, but it takes more mem :(  I know what TR_CHARPUT does, 
but am confused on M_CHARPUT. It sounds like (in ti82.h) it displayes 
what is loaded in the a register in menu style, where as TR_CHARPUT 
displays the _translated_ value in a. Please help, this is not a hard 
