A82: Sv: Re: Dines + the future of Ash (Update on Ash 4.0)


A82: Sv: Re: Dines + the future of Ash (Update on Ash 4.0)

Just an idea ... would it be possible to have one program file/variable,
containing all the assembly progs in the calc? This would of course require
some new link routines, but it would solve all the problems with

Stefan Sommer
By most known as Stefan The Greatest (Almost) Sommer
     God created my kind - but he forgot to tell me why

> Fra: Dines Christy Justesen <c958362@student.dtu.dk>
> Til: assembly-82@lists.ticalc.org
> Emne: A82: Re: Dines + the future of Ash (Update on Ash 4.0)
> Dato: 22. december 1997 13:39
> The changes i have planned will fix both of these problems. There are
> however several other problems with the method for relocation, which can
> not be solve without rather big changes. Moving the programs and updating
> the VAT would be no problem (i know the addrs of the functions in rom),
> but i would not solve all the problems. Therefore i would rather use the
> new method that i am working on. 
> On the TI85 Andreas Ess and I located the build in random function, and
> this one is included in some ti85 shells. The function is rather slow,
> the results a very good. I could probably find the random functions on
> TI82 too, but the question is wether you want this are a runtine which is
> faster.
> I am not sure which functions CrASH includes, but i will have a look at
> them. On thing i did not like about CrASH is that you can not change the
> interrupt speed in a program. How a rutine which displays the graph mem
> should be made depends a lot on what it is used for, and if you make on
> general rutine which will work in all cases the rutine wont be that fast.
> Therefore i think that it is better not to include that function in the
> shell, and instead release the source code for a few versions which
> then can use in their games. Currently my plan is to have some rutine
> that included in the Ash zip file so you can just include them when you
> need them. This will ofcorse take up a bit more room, but it is needed if
> you want fast rutines (if you dont you can use the om call).
> I am ofcorse trying to make Ash 4.0 as compatible with both Ash 3.0 and
> CrASH as possible, but i can not garantee that you do not have to
> recompile you programs. On of the main reasons for this is the support
> new rom versions.
> Dines
> Dines
