Re: A82: BoxWorld


Re: A82: BoxWorld

>BoxWorld does not work with CrASH because it uses the APD_BUF to store 
>the level data. And, no, I will not change it.

It's not incompatible with CrASH - it's incompatible with Crash to CrASH.
CrASH doesn't care what you do with APD_BUF.  If you ran Game Wizard with
Box World you would also crash the calculator.  Add this code to the
beginning of box world:

        ; Check for CrASH running
        ld a,($8D4E)
        cp $21
        jr nz,continue
        ld a,($8D72)
        or a
        jr z,continue
        ld hl,string
        ; You already know CrASH is running - go ahead and use CrASH's key_hand
        call $8D91
        .db "Please disable the interrupt handler",0

That code is intended for ASH (not CrASH) programs, obviously.  Add this
code (with modifications to the string output/quit if needed) to box world
to make it refuse to run if a know CrASH-based interrupt handler is in use.

-- Barubary