Re: A82: OS-82 bug/drawback


Re: A82: OS-82 bug/drawback

At 08:59 PM 8/21/97 -0400, you wrote:
>I have been using OS-82 and have found an interesting bug/drawback to using
>it.  Whenver you use a table type function with a menu bar (list editor,
>matrice editor, y/x table), the menu does not show up on the screen.  If you
>press graph to look at the graph screen, the menu is on there where it should
>have been before.  Can anyone else explain/verify this?  Does this happen
>with OSHELL-82 or ASH?

This problem is due to the fact that (IY+$14) bit 7 is SET.  The only way
to correct it is by changing the exit code on the shell so that it is
reset.  Talk to Jason Todd about this.

Bit 7 set - Write text to graph mem
Bit 7 res - Write text directly to LCD

                 Thomas J. Hruska --
Shining Light Productions -- "Meeting the needs of fellow programmers"

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